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Amtek Auto Ltd. | AMTEKAUTO | NSE - Auto ancillaries

Performance Trend  |  Valuation  |  Growth  |  Insiders  |  Summary
INR in Million. Fiscal year ends in March. Figures are consolidated and restated.

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Revenue and Net Income, EPS Growth Rate

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Revenue or turnover or top line is income that a company receives from its normal business activities. Revenue Growth is used to measure how fast a company's business is expanding. The figure shows the annual rate of increase/decrease in a company's revenue or sales growth in terms of percentage change from the previous year.

An ideal company should have an steady upward trend. Year-over-year performance is frequently used by investors seeking to gauge whether a company's financial performance is improving or worsening.

Compound Annual Growth Rate of Amtek Auto Ltd.

1 year
Revenue 136.49%
Net Income 0%
EPS Basic 0%

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If Sales Revenue shows a moderate or stable growth while EPS shows an explosive growth, it could possibly be due to accounting manipulation.

Reserves, Dividends Growth

Retained Earnings Growth

Retained Earnings Growth is the percent increase / decrease of a company's retained net income or reserves/surplus over time. A company can use retained earnings to maintain current operations, or to invest in new ventures. Generally speaking, retained earnings growth is accompanied by subsequent increases in sales and profitability.

Dividend Growth Amtek Auto Ltd.

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A company paying dividends is generally a good sign. Well established companies offer dividends back to its shareholders while high growth companies usually do not pay dividends since they reinvest the profits back in the business. If a dividend paying company stops paying dividends then that is a big red flag. Dividend per share is better metric compared to looking at just the dividends because DPS takes into account the number of shares as well.

Accounts Receivable & Inventory Growth

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Watch the Accounts (trade) Receivables (aka Sundry Debtors) and Inventory columns closely. A company can get into serious trouble very quickly if it's customers are not paying the bills or if its inventory is piling up in warehouses. If Recievables are growing much faster than sales, it usually means that the company is having trouble collecting money from customers. More inventory on the balance sheet means the company is having trouble delivering goods to customers.

An increase of receivables and inventory above 50% is usually not a good sign and needs to be investigated further.

Days Sales Outstanding

Days Sales Outstanding or DSO is also known as "average collection period and receivable days". It's a measure of the average time it takes to collect the cash from sales, in simple words, how fast customers pay their bill. DSO does tend to vary a good deal by industry sector.

A high DSO may be a red flag, which suggests that customers aren't paying their bills in a timely fashion. Maybe the customers themselves are in financial trouble or maybe the company's operations and financial management are poor. If the DSO is rising rapidly, you should know why.

DSO = Accounts Receivables / ( Revenue / 365 )