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FII DII Trading Charts

Institutional Investor - Institutional Investor are organizations like investment banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, banks, pension funds, mutual funds. The stock market rises and falls because of the trading activity of these colossal giants.

FII - Foreign Institutional Investor. e.g. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley

DII - Domestic Institutional Investor. e.g. HDFC, LIC

How to interpret these charts - These charts show the Net (buying - selling) trading activity of FIIs and DIIs in India (NSE, BSE) in daily, monthly and yearly time frames. Positive bars in daily and monthly charts means money is coming in the market. Negative bars in daily and monthly means money is going out of the market. Whenever the Nifty/Sensex rises it is usually because the FII's were net buyers and conversely when Nifty/Sensex falls its usually because the FII's were net sellers.

FII Daily Trading Activity

Sign up for professional service to see Nifty Index over the daily FII chart.

DII Daily Trading Activity

FII Monthly Trading Activity

Monthly chart helps you figure out the trend of FII buying or selling activity which can be used for making investing decisions.

DII Monthly Trading Activity

Yearly time frame - Do not trade on the basis of historical yearly chart. The yearly chart is just to get an idea of what exactly happened in the Indian Stock Market in previous years.

One thing you will notice easily is that the DIIs were buying big time in 2008 when the global financial crisis was happening while the FIIs were happily selling their shares to DIIs. Hindsight is 20-20 but even a layman knew that buying shares in 2008 was not a good idea. This just tells you that all those Indian mutual funds sometimes are also clueless just like the general public.

FII Yearly Trading Activity

DII Yearly Trading Activity

Sign up for professional service to get end of day email report about the names of the companies which are bought and sold by FII's and DII's.

Sample Report


Company Investor Mode Quantity Price
Rain Commodities Limited GOLDMAN SACHS INVESTMENTS MAURITIUS BUY 2,423,485 49.96
Eros International Media MORGAN STANLEY ASIA SINGAPORE BUY 500,000 171.00
Kingfisher Airlines Limited SBICAP TRUSTEE COMPANY LIMITED SELL 8,517,152 7.87


Company Insider Mode Quantity
Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. Weston Investment Ltd. SELL 719,000
Jindal Steel & Power Naveen Jindal BUY 285,000

Data Source - NSE