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PE Ratios of various Industry Sectors
When the current PE Ratio of the sector is lower than the long term average, that is a good time to buy stocks belonging to that particular sector.
Free users can only see 3 month data. Sign up for premium membership to see 10 year data and long term average PE.
Bank Nifty PE Ratio
Bank Nifty is 14.80. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Bank Nifty PE average.
Bank Nifty consists of private sector banks like HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank as well as public sector banks like SBI, Bank of India and many others.
PSU Bank PE Ratio
PSU Bank Nifty is 7.96. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term PSU Bank Nifty PE average.
PSU Bank Index is exclusively for public sector banks.Since government and politicians interfere with the day to day operations of PSU Banks and they are not managed well compared to private banks, investors usually avoid investing in public sector banks hence PSU Bank PE Ratio is always lower than Bank Nifty PE Ratio.
CNX IT PE is 34.71. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term CNX IT PE average.CNX IT consists of companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro etc.
Realty PE Ratio
Realty PE is 55.82. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Realty PE average.Auto PE Ratio
Auto PE is 24.81. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Auto PE average.Auto index includes car, bike manufacturers like Maruti, Bajaj, auto ancillaries like Motherson Sumi and tyre manufacturers like MRF, Apollo tyres.
Pharma PE Ratio
Pharma PE is 38.77. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Pharma PE average.
Pharma index consists of companies like Cipla, Glaxo, Dr. Reddy etc.
FMCG PE is 50.89. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term FMCG PE average.Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) index consists of companies like ITC, Dabur, Britania etc.
Infra PE Ratio
Infra PE is 24.26. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Infra PE average.Infrastructure index consists of companies like Larsen, IRB, Adani Ports, BHEL etc.
Nifty Junior PE Ratio
Nifty Junior PE is 26.42. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Nifty Junior PE average.Nifty Junior Index consists of next 50 companies after the main Nifty Index.
Nifty CNX Midcap PE Ratio
Nifty Midcap PE is 47.38. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Nifty Midcap PE average.Midcap companies fall between large cap and small cap in terms of market capitalization. Investors prefer midcap companies because they are not as risky as small cap companies and they have the potential to deliver above average returns.
Nifty Midcap index consists of companies like Bata, IDBI, Motherson, Voltas
Nifty 500 PE Ratio
Nifty 500 PE is 26.96. Long term average is ____. Sign up for premium membership to see the long term Nifty 500 PE average.Nifty 500 companies are the top 500companies in terms of market capitalization. Nifty 500 represents most of the large cap and midcap companies